Monday, 29 May 2017

The Nature's Special Creature: Woman

Women's dressing trends through decades


When God created the first man, Adam, HE used just a day in creating the man. Not only did God created Adam within that day, HE also created all other terrestrial animals (animals that live on land such as sheep, lion, elephants, birds of all kinds etc.)
Hence, we are able to know the limited time during which God created Adam, the first man.

The grace & beauty in a woman

However, when it comes to the creation of the first woman, Eve, we are unable to know the extent of time that Father Nature spent in creating her. All we know was that the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam (Gen. 2:21) while creating Eve.
Hence, we are not able to quantify or verify the duration of Adam’s sleep but it must be for a very long time, maybe days, according to the description “deep sleep”.

If you compare a man’s physical body composition to that of a woman, you will discover that a woman’s body is extremely more complex, more resources-consuming in taking care of (resources like time-consuming, money-consuming, deep-research-consuming, energy-consuming etc.) 

This is because the Lord God himself took a long time in creating a woman; both the internal structure and external structure are core complex and more unique to that of a man, so a woman will usually take a long time, energy and whatever resources is available to her in taking good care of her body so as to maintain the already-set perfection.

Differentiating features that shows why a female is more prettier than a male

This also shows that our Father Nature took a special time in creating the first woman, Eve, to make her more adorable to her husband, Adam.

Nice and attractive female body parts

Let’s look at the head of a woman, the long hair consumes a lot of money to make her more desirable to her male counterpart, the ear must be pierced and adorned with jeweled earrings, her face and lips powdered and lipsticked respectively all these cosmetic preparation is deficient in a normal man. Man will just cut his hair low and have no need to powder his face and apply lipstick.
Also, a woman’s body is so tender that it must be given special care. Her skin is expected to be radiant and spotless. The breast with relevant brassiere, the whole body creamed and adorned to make it more attractive (stretch-free, mark-free, dot-free etc.), the underside well taken care of before being covered with nice pants (e.g. the menstrual pad to cover the vagina opening during the menstrual period). All these preparations are not the ordained part of a man’s lifestyle.

Ladies'Beauty Campaign

The legs of a woman also speaks a lot about the woman; the legs must be well taken care of, nails well-polished, the whole feet well-manicured, sole of feet well maintained, marks not allowed be on the legs/thighs so as not to disfigure/disorganise the woman’s natural beauty.
Most men don’t care about their appearance and may not bathe for days but a woman’s body is not designed for such. 

Different female's attractive physical appearance 


Why? This is because man was created along with other animals that don’t care about taking care of their body (all they care mostly is about building their muscles and dominating their world) while the Eve, the first woman, was specially designed and created with complex internal and external beauty, comfort and elegance, without any form of interference from any quarter.

Do you know that we never knew, because we were not informed, of the personal instructions and lectures God gave to Eve when she was created? We only knew of Adam’s instructions (Genesis 2: 15-17). Maybe God lectured the newly created beauty, Miss Eve, about how she must be taking good care of her body in order for her husband Mr. Adam to love her and desire her more and more! Pa Adam was deeply sleeping at the time, so we cannot really know the private instructions passed to Ma Eve.

A man appreciating a beautiful woman: one of the unwritten laws of Nature.

This is why women care so much about their look i.e. beauty, their health, their comfort/enjoyment, etc. Naturally, women don't want to grow old; they want to be ever-young: sweet sixteen. So, when you see some men behaving like animals as distinct from their female counterpart's mannerism, don’t be amazed. It’s the NOT the man's fault, it's inbuilt - from the root! 

Mama Eve taming her husband, Pa Adam

Modern day taming of male partner by her female counterpart

 The woman has to tame his man, it's her duty, that's why she was created: to be a ready and cooperating guidance/companion for her wild male counterpart!

While a man have only his stomach for food consumption, a woman’s internal structure consists of both stomach and uterus (which is designed by the Lord God baby creation).

A woman breastfeeding her baby

A man getting sexually aroused by sucking her female counterpart's breasts

I don’t really know the function of a man’s breast but I know a woman’s breast is the outlet of natural resources – milk – for the new-born baby as food. Also, the woman’s breast is a strong appellant for sexual arousal in her male counterparts.

Female reproductive organs (left) and male reproductive organs(right)

While a man has his long penis and testis (inside the scrotum) for urine and sperm release, a woman has a more complex vaginal components which are used for sexual performance, child birth, gateway to ovum fertilization, outlet of urine, passage for monthly menstrual discharge etc.
It is the fundamental duty of every woman to take care of her body, to make herself more beautiful and desirable, disease-free and completely healthy.

A desirable female body with spotless skin: outcome of regular body maintenance

Father Nature (i.e. the Lord God) specifically designed a woman in a unique way far apart from her male counterparts, so a woman should make sure she helps in maintaining the divine design on her. She mustn’t neglect the divine efforts on her special body.

A female strapping her beautiful breast with her choice of bra. 
Notice the smooth spotless skin and clean bra!

For more information about how to maintain your divinely-given body physique, beauty, elegance, grace, structure and health as a specially-designed woman, stay on this blog -

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